Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 2 Readings

“Knowledge is authenticated information” I think this was perhaps the most important thing I read in this document. It touched upon our earlier conversations about truth and knowledge. Here Knoweldge is defined as “authenticated” meaning that the information is authenticated as true and useful.

I thought the Tuomi argument was incredibly interesting – essentially the idea is that there are no such things as information or data without knowledge.

Tumoi argues that knowledge exists which, when articulated, verbalized, and structured, becomes information which, when assigned a fixed repre-sentation and standard interpretation, becomes data. Critical to this argument is the fact that knowledge does not exist outside of an agent (a knower): it is indelibly shaped by oneís needs as well as oneís initial stock of knowledge (Fahey and Prusak 1998; Tuomi 1999). Knowledge is thus the result of cognitive processing triggered by the inflow of new stimuli.

This article focuses heavily on personal knowledge and the relationship between knowledge and a person. To put simply the goal of knowledge management is to take the knowledge of an individual and be able to capture it and leverage it as an asset for an organization.

The Bohn article is a very interesting look at how to measure knowledge about a process. The article outlines eight stages. Below is a figure of those stages


The Nonaka article was a long look at how to make an organization a knowelge centric organiation. The goal of the article was to give pratical advice and guidance as to how to create an organizational environment where employees are always looking to improve in the knoeledge management of an organiation.

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